

 湖南大学(Hunan University),简称“湖大”,坐落于历史文化名城湖南省长沙市,直属于中国教育部,是教育部工业和信息化部湖南省人民政府国家国防科技工业局四方共建的全国重点大学,位列“双一流211工程985工程”,入选2011计划111计划卓越法律人才教育培养计划卓越工程师教育培养计划国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、通用中国PACE教育推进伙伴计划,建有中国书院博物馆国家超级计算长沙中心,是一所历史悠久、蜚声中外的综合类研究型大学,国际艺术、设计与媒体院校联盟和金砖国家网络大学国际组织重要成员,AMBA国际成员。



Hunan University (Hunan University) is located in Changsha City, Hunan Province, which is a famous historical and cultural city. It directly belongs to the Ministry of Education of China. It is a national key university jointly built by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the People's Government of Hunan Province and the State Bureau of National Defense Science, Technology and Industry. It ranks among the "Double First-class, 211 and 985" projects, and has been selected into the 2011 Plan, 111 Plan and Excellence Law. Legal Talents Education and Training Plan, Excellent Engineers Education and Training Plan, State Construction of Public Graduate Program of High Level Universities, General China PACE Education Promotion Partnership Plan, with the Chinese Academy Museum and the National Super Computing Changsha Center, is a comprehensive research university with a long history and a good reputation at home and abroad, the International Union of Art, Design and Media Institutions and the BRICS National Network. He is an important member of international organizations such as Luo University and an international accredited member of AMBA.


Hunan University purchased ZJ-3 piezoelectric tester and ZT-JH10/4 polarization device + ZJ-D33-YP15 piezoelectric ceramic tablet press three sets of equipment, mainly in response to the national plan for the revitalization of new materials. The purpose of the school's purchase is to improve its comprehensive strength in materials, which will be of great help to undergraduate teaching and research.